Low Anthroplogy

I wonder why I post stuff up anymore anyway? I don't think ANYONE actually reads anything, but alas if someone stumbles here I'm attaching a link to a very interesting article in today's NYTIMES. It actually displaced that crazy what Shamu taught me about relationships article as the most viewed article today. There maybe a connection between that Shamu article and the one below and if there is it's probably got to do with low anthropology. Check it out.

He Who Cast the First Stone Probably Didn’t - New York Times

Arminianism & Semi-Pelagianism: "

'What the Arminian wants to do is to arouse man's activity: what we want to do is to kill it once for all---to show him that he is lost and ruined, and that his activities are not now at all equal to the work of conversion; that he must look upward. They seek to make the man stand up: we seek to bring him down, and make him feel that there he lies in the hand of God, and that his business is to submit himself to God, and cry aloud, 'Lord, save, or we perish.' We hold that man is never so near grace as when he begins to feel he can do nothing at all. When he says, 'I can pray, I can believe, I can do this, and I can do the other,' marks of self-sufficiency and arrogance are on his brow.'
- C. H. Spurgeon"

I've been checking out the Mars Hill on the web for the better part of the last year. Mark Driscoll - their Senior Pastor is doing some great things - check out his interview in Chrisitanity Today. He's like a younger more profane Tim Keller out in Seattle.

Men Are from Mars Hill - Christianity Today Magazine:

"Are young people becoming more sympathetic to Reformed theology?
The two hot theologies today are Reformed and emerging. Reformed theology offers certainty, with a masculine God who names our sin, crushes Jesus on the Cross for it, and sends us to hell if we fail to repent. Emerging theology offers obscurity, with a neutered God who would not say an unkind word to us, did not crush Jesus for our sins, and would not send anyone to hell. I came to Reformed theology by preaching through books of the Bible such as Exodus, Romans, John, and Revelation, along with continually repenting of my sin. I am, however, a boxers, not briefs, Reformed guy. I am pretty laid back about it and not uptight and tidy like many Reformed guys."


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