I've been checking out the Mars Hill on the web for the better part of the last year. Mark Driscoll - their Senior Pastor is doing some great things - check out his interview in Chrisitanity Today. He's like a younger more profane Tim Keller out in Seattle.

Men Are from Mars Hill - Christianity Today Magazine:

"Are young people becoming more sympathetic to Reformed theology?
The two hot theologies today are Reformed and emerging. Reformed theology offers certainty, with a masculine God who names our sin, crushes Jesus on the Cross for it, and sends us to hell if we fail to repent. Emerging theology offers obscurity, with a neutered God who would not say an unkind word to us, did not crush Jesus for our sins, and would not send anyone to hell. I came to Reformed theology by preaching through books of the Bible such as Exodus, Romans, John, and Revelation, along with continually repenting of my sin. I am, however, a boxers, not briefs, Reformed guy. I am pretty laid back about it and not uptight and tidy like many Reformed guys."


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