Veith on Cartoon Rioters

I thought this was a great post from Gene Veith’s Cranch Blog today.  
Questions for Cartoon Rioters

It's interesting to listen to Muslims explaining why they are rioting, burning, and demanding murder in response to the Danish cartoons. "You do not understand," they say, "how these pictures of the prophet offend Muslims." Yes, you are clearly VERY offended. But then it is surely a separate question to examine your behavior when you are offended. Why, when you are offended, are you rioting, burning, and murdering? As opposed to other reactions, such as just getting angry without hurting anyone, writing polemics against idolatry, praying for Allah's judgment, or vowing to separate from an infidel society? (Emphasis mine – TB)
Also, we now know that your religion forbids making images of the prophet. Muslims may not do this. But do you expect non-Muslims to follow Islamic teachings? The Q'uran forbids the eating of pork. So are the non-Muslims who do eat pork also insulting Islam?
And if your religion demands the idolaters be punished, then I can understand why you want to kill the cartoonists and the newspaper editors who published them. But why are you attacking Danes and even other Europeans who had no connection with the cartoons? The people working in the Danish embassies in Syria and Lebanon did not draw or publish the cartoons. Nor did that priest in Turkey who was killed--he wasn't even Danish--nor did those German tourists who were kidnapped. You are not harming the guilty by harming the innocen


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